The Asia Sunday-2019
April 12, 2019
We are Christ’s Ambassadors
May 22, 2019

“Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving” ceremony of the Baptist Women Development Center has taken place at Franc Auditorium, Ahlone, Yangon on May 3rd to 5th 2019. Altogether (601)participants from 18 Language and Regional Conventions, Immanuel Church, Judson Church, special invitees and Asian Pacific Baptist Women Federation had attended. Silver Jubilee celebrating central committee chair-person is Dr. Vernette Myint Myint San who is currently a President of the  Asia Pacific Baptist Women Federation.

The opening ceremony was led by Rev. Dr. Mung Kweh, Dr. Vernette Myint Myint San, Rev. Dr. Mg Mg Yin, Dr. Esther Byu, Dr. May Maung Maung and Sayama Nant Buddy Htoo. Fifty Ladies voices, traditional dance of Kayin,  Myanmar, Chin, Mon, Asho Chin, Shweli Shan, Lisu, Rakhine and Lahu were performed in the evening session.

On the second day of “Thanksgiving”, Rev. Dr. Khin Swe Oo led the morning Bible Study. Afterwards, Thanksgiving Worship started at 9;00 am where Sayama Daw Marlar Thein took past as master of ceremony . Dr. Vernette Myint Myint San delivered teh welcoming speech and Rev. Dr. Mg Mg Yin rendered the dey note address. Dr. May Maung Maung presented the brief history of Baptist Women Development center and “Thanksgiving” sermon was preached by Dr. Khin Kyu Kyu. Special prayer was led by Rev. Dr. Naw Paw Gaw and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Yaw Lah. Friends from Nagaland, India the performed their singing respectively. In the afternoon, Saya Thu Hlaing Tun shared under the topic?The Modern Systematic Financial Management” and Sayama Blooming Night Zan taught about “Liberation from Conflicts”. Afterwards, sisters from Chiang Mai and sisters from Nagaland, India performed their group songs. Then  the documentary group photo was taken. in the evening session, traditional dance of Wa, Naga, Ahkah, Pwo Kayin, Tedim, Kachin, Northern Shan, Southern Shan were performed. Asia Pacific Baptist Women group also took the stage and the evening session concluded with the benediction pronounced by Rev. Dr. Lesley Turley (International Ministry, ABC-USA, South East Asia and Japan).

The third day of “Thanksgiving” morning Bible Study was facilitated by Rev. Dr. Daw Aye Nwe. Worship program started at 9;00 am and master of cerenomy was Sayama Victoria Pwe. Sayama Daw May Ohn Nyunt Wai read the Scripture and Thanksgiving sermon was preached by India, Nagaland Baptist Church Council vice president Mrs. Kakhell Inato Jimpmie. Hundred voices choir was performed by Immanuel Baptist Church and special prayer was led by Sayama Nang Thuzar Mon. “Presenting gifts” to friends from Baptist World Alliance was led by Sayama Nant Thin Thin Soe (Treasurer of Silver Jubilee celebrating Central Committee) and Dr. Vernette Myint Myint San. The silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Worship ceremony of  Baptist Women Development Center concluded by the holy communion led by Ordained lady ministers. The closing benediction was pronounced by Rev. Dr. Than Than Htay.

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