Introducing with MBC
June 1, 2020
November 12, 2020

The Myanmar Baptist Convention would like to inform you that MBC has followed the instructions of the Working Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) of the Yangon Region Government which was to practice strict home stay to the residents of the Yangon Region.

All the staff from the Myanmar Baptist Convention has continuously followed the instructions at its utmost of the Yangon Region Government by working from home, except some staff working from office for some urgent or important matters or the exceptional duties.

Regarding Covid 19 prevention, control and security matters, the responsible persons are taking care of and has continued its necessary work by online meetings or discussions to promote better and continuous communication between staff members.

The Chairpersons often visited MBC and provided their guidance and instructions.

For the first time, during this difficult (COVID 19), MBC has provided rice and oil for the MBC staff. For the second time, BWA, ABC and Dr Rebecca provided Rice, oil, beans, Onions, and Potatoes.

MBC also encouraged its staff who are the faithful believers to pray together continuously at their individual’s homes every night at 08.00 pm for the global Pandemic COVID– 19.
During this pandemic, MBC, Communication Department, has broadcasted different on line – live worship programmes or encouraging programmes every Saturday mornings or on special days like Easter or Mother’s Day.
MBC Sunday schools department also has broadcasted different online Sunday school lessons and programmes for children.

Through the youth department facebook channel, they have inspired and encouraged people widely.
Other departments at the MBC have also performed their necessary tasks and contributed their valuable effort for their individual’s duties to carry on.
In MBC compound, due to prevention, control and security procedures, it was announced and instructed the families in the MBC compound to do the grocery shopping on every Monday and Thursday and to avoid big crowds.

The MBC has opened only one main gate and followed the strict entrance and exit procedures of its compound.

MBC donated (70)Lakhs to the Working Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) of the Yangon Region Government and also inform to all the Baptist believers to pray together at every 8:00pm for COVID-19 Pandemic.

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