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Leadership Development Program Department – MBC

Leadership Development Program Department

To raise qualified and visionary leaders

To enhance and raise the capacity of the leadership of the churches
To plan and raise good, mature and well-rounded leaders for the future

Main Activities

1. Scholarships abroad
Priority is given to those persons selected by the different language and regional conventions. Program include studies leading to degrees at the:
– Doctoral level
– Masters level
– Diploma level as well as
– Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC) Programs – These scholars under 40 years of age and are awarded by the Myanmar Council of Churches Foreign Scholarships Program.

2. Support for higher studies in Seminaries in country
This support is programmed for those who hold at least a B Th. degree from the different language and regional conventions and to raise the capacity of those who are serving full-time in the seminaries of the different language and regional conventions.

Qualified applicants for this support include those who have been acted for the following courses.
– Masters in Theology (MTh.)
– Masters in Divinity (M Div.)
– Masters in Theological Studies (MTS)
– Masters of Arts in Religious Studies (MACS)
– Special requirements include two endorsements by
• the principal of the school and
• the general secretary of the related language and regional convention
Application forms are available at the Leadership Development Program Department.

3. Scholarship Funds
Based on the availability of funds scholarships are offered for studies at the different universities and seminaries. There are three types of funds.
• Judson Scholarship Funds
• Funds awarded based on donors’ priorities
• Sowards Memorial Fund

4. Enhancing the capacity of the 21st Century Leaders (10 years program)
This program is to trin 15 of those persons who have affirmed their services to the Myanmar Institute of Theology and the theological institutions from the different language and regional conventions and is for a ten year period (2003-2013) and is on-going.

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