Ministers’ Department
(Chairperson – Rev. Mike Zun Ceu, Director – Rev. Dr. Saw Eh Thaw, Associate Director – Saya Van Dawt Lian)
- Baptist ministers in Myanmar will be in unity, one with the other and help each other.
- Uphold Baptist faith and order with dedicated missionary zeal.
- Update registry of ministers under the MBC.
- Support families of deceased ministers from the compassionate funds, while conveying messages of condolences.
- Honoring ministers who have served the Lord for forty years
- Issuance of Ministers’ Identity cards.
- A general assembly is held once every five years for ministers with a seminar once every three years.
- More cordial relationships established among ministers
- Keen to help one another in times of hardships and improved theological knowledge and attitudes with the times.
Expectations of the future
- That each individual church will be able to accept and practice Baptist beliefs and practices.