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Our Mission – MBC

There are 49 Baptist Schools and Seminaries offering degrees such as Licentiate of Theology, Bachelor of Theology, Master of Theology and Master of Divinity.

Myanmar Institute of Theology is directly under the sponsorship of the Myanmar Baptist Convention. The president is Rev. Dr. Samuel Ngun Ling. MIT offers degrees in Liberal Art Program, Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS), Master of Theological Studies (MTS), Master of Divinity (M Div.), Master of Theology (M Th.), Master of Ministry (M Min.), Master of Community Development (MCD), Master of Theological Librarianship (MTL), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) and Doctor of Ministry (D Min.).  MIT has 3 study centers which are Judson Research Center(JRC), Peace Study Center (PSC) and Gender Studies Center (GSC). At moment, MIT has four departments, Biblical, Theological, Historical and Practical and there are (66) teaching facultly members with (85) supporting staffs. “Ye Are the Light of the World” is the theme of MIT.

Beyond 200 Baptist Mission 10 year plan aims:

1)      To conduct revival programs and training events for local churches that awaken spiritual revival and mission minded among the believers;

2)      To conduct appropriate technological trainings and awareness training programs on physical health for local churches that leading the church to self-reliance and self-support;

3)      To conduct dialogue programs with other faiths to promote mutual understanding and mutual recognition that maintaining peace and stability in the country;

4)      To conduct training for church leaders that keeping Baptist Distinctive; its faith and orders and maintaining the historical heritages, documents, and assets safely;

5)      To conduct seminars and workshops for local churches that promoting the status of good citizenship, and participating in nation-building in accordance with Biblical social teaching.

Mission Plan Focus Themes 2018-2023

2018       Good Citizen in Nation Building (Rom. 13:1, Matt. 13:14)

2019       Ambassador for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20)

2020       A Living Sacrifice for Christ (Rom. 12:1-2)

2021       Sustainer of God’s Creation (Gen. 2:151:28, Joel 1:11)

2022       A Fruitful Church (John 15:5; Gal. 5:22-23)

2023       A Church Fulfilling the will of God (Josh. 1:1-9, Ps. 139:17-18, Phil. 3:14)