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Advanced Leadership Learning Workshop and Training – MBC
MBC’s GS attended conferences
September 28, 2018
“Global Warming and the Role of Men”
October 29, 2018

Leadership Development Program Department, MBC and the American Baptist Churches, International Ministries had jointly conducted– the “Advanced Leadership Learning Workshop and Training” from October (6-19), 2018. The following topics were covered: Rev. KD Tu Lum (Spiritual Leadership), Saya Saw Kapi (Stewardship Leadership), Rev. Saw Win Pe Zin (21 Century Mission), Rev. Dr. Simon Pau Khan En (Civic Education), Saya Billy Kan Myat (Good Citizenship Overcome Violence), Dr. Saw Hlaing Bwa (Christian Present in Public Space), Rev. Dr. Reid Trulson (Being a good Baptist and Christian Citizen in a Democracy), Rev. Jim Bell (A good Christian Treasurer and having Good Stewardship), Lisa Simmons (Leadership and Mentoring), Marlene, Rev. Kyle Witmer and Rev. Leslie Turley (Leadership and Women in Ministry). Exposure trip to NayPyiDaw has taken place on October 11th and 12th meeting with Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko (Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs) and special dinner was served in the evening at Myat Taw Win Hotel, NawPyiDaw. While in NayPyiDaw a session: “Present Situations of Politics in Myanmar” was facilitated by Sayama Naw Susana Hla Hla Soe.
Moreover, the ABC International Ministries representatives were accepted by Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Counselor Daw Aung San Su Kyi on October 17th Wednesday. Besides, the ABC representatives also visited Pyi Thu Hluttaw and met the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat cordially



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